Sziasztok ez a hiba:
= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.3.4
= Server name : Sight RP test
= Server IP address:
= Server port : 22003
= Log file : ..ztal/server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
= Maximum players : 500
= HTTP port : 22005
= Voice Chat : Disabled
= Bandwidth saving : Medium
[2013-10-19 22:12:39] Resource \'acpanel\' requests some acl rights. Use the command \'aclrequest list acpanel\'
[2013-10-19 22:12:40] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script windows/faction.lua for resource gui
[2013-10-19 22:12:40] Loading of resource \'gui\' failed
[2013-10-19 22:12:41] ERROR: Couldn\'t find file img/killmessage.png for resource race
[2013-10-19 22:12:41] Loading of resource \'race\' failed
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor;
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor_main; Failed to link to freecam
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Problem with resource: fallout; Failed to link to freecam
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Not processing resource \'freecam\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
Path #1: \"resources\\freecam\"
Path #2: \"resources\\[editor]\\freecam\"
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Not processing resource \'parachute\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
Path #1: \"resources\\parachute\"
Path #2: \"resources\\[gameplay]\\parachute\"
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Not processing resource \'runcode\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
Path #1: \"resources\\runcode\"
Path #2: \"resources\\[admin]\\runcode\"
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Resources: 294 loaded, 3 failed
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Querying master server... failed! (301: Moved Permanently)
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Querying backup master server... success!
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Starting resources...
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: bank-system section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of \'setObjectBreakable\')
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: bank-system requires upgrade as section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of \'setObjectBreakable\')
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.0-9.03783
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: global/version_globals.lua [server] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: global/version_globals.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Some files in \'global\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: Script warning: global\\s_vehicle_globals.lua is invalid and will not work in future versions. Please re-compile at
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: Script \'global\\version_globals.lua\' is not encoded in UTF-8. Loading as ANSI...
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:17: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] WARNING: sql\\mysql.lua:51: Access denied @ \'shutdown\'
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] Start up of resource sql cancelled by script
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Unable to start resource sql; Start up of resource cancelled by script
[2013-10-19 22:12:42] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource colorblender. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource computers-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: elevator-system/s_elevator_system.lua(Line 308) [server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: elevator-system/s_elevator_system.lua(Line 326) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Some files in \'elevator-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: faction-system\\s_faction_system.lua:33: Bad argument @ \'setTimer\' [Expected function at argument 1, got nil]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource freecam. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: fuel-system\\s_fuel_system.lua:90: Bad argument @ \'setTimer\' [Expected number at argument 3, got function]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource gps-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: interior-system\\s_interior_system.lua:18: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: item-system/c_inventory.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Some files in \'item-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: item-system\\s_item_management.lua:12: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: item-system\\s_item_system.lua:1248: attempt to call global \'mysql_query\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource item-world. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: gatekeepers-system/s_hunter.lua(Line 4) [server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: gatekeepers-system/s_hunter.lua(Line 13) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: gatekeepers-system/s_rook.lua(Line 5) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: gatekeepers-system/s_ty.lua(Line
[server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Some files in \'gatekeepers-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system/c_job_system.lua(Line 11) [Client] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system/farm/c_trucker_job.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system/farm/s_trucker_job.lua [server] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system/fishing/s_fishing_job.lua [server] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system/photographer/c_photographer_job.lua(Line 13) [Client] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system/donut/s_job_apply.lua(Line 9) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Some files in \'job-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: Script \'job-system\\farm\\s_trucker_job.lua\' is not encoded in UTF-8. Loading as ANSI...
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: job-system\\farm\\s_trucker_job.lua:27: Bad argument @ \'addEventHandler\' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]
[2013-10-19 22:12:43] WARNING: Script \'job-system\\fishing\\s_fishing_job.lua\' is not encoded in UTF-8. Loading as ANSI...
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource logs. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource mdc-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource mods-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource parachute. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: report-system\\s_reports.lua:597: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_free\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] WARNING: tow-system/s_tow.lua(Line 162) [server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] Some files in \'tow-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: vehicle-system\\s_vehicle_system.lua:3: attempt to call global \'mysql_null\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] SCRIPT ERROR: vehicle-system\\s.lua:2147: \')\' expected (to close \'(\' at line 2145) near \'elseif\'
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Loading script failed: vehicle-system\\s.lua:2147: \')\' expected (to close \'(\' at line 2145) near \'elseif\'
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource runcode. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource weather-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] WARNING: vehicle-interiors/s_vehicle_interiors.lua(Line 72) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] Some files in \'vehicle-interiors\' use deprecated functions.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] WARNING: File \'img/209.png\' in resource \'account-system\' is invalid.
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:44] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:87: attempt to index local \'motdresult\' (a boolean value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource apps-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource donators. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource event-system. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource payday. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource animtest. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource hardwaresurvey. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource lsia. Check it exists.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] To stop the server, type \'shutdown\' or press Ctrl-C
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] Type \'help\' for a list of commands.
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] Stopping global
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] Starting global
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] WARNING: Script warning: global\\s_vehicle_globals.lua is invalid and will not work in future versions. Please re-compile at
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] WARNING: Script \'global\\version_globals.lua\' is not encoded in UTF-8. Loading as ANSI...
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: mysql\\connection.lua:63: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] ERROR: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\' [string \"?\"]
[2013-10-19 22:12:45] global restarted successfully
[2013-10-19 22:13:09] CONNECT: AwfulJudge86 connected (IP: Serial: 95834336D5D0F7450F8C8CED26ADEB93 Version: 1.3.4-9.05876.0)
[2013-10-19 22:13:13] JOIN: AwfulJudge86 joined the game (IP:
[2013-10-19 22:13:17] HTTP: Connection flood from \'\'. Ignoring for 1 min.
[2013-10-19 22:13:30] QUIT: AwfulJudge86 left the game [Quit]
Át van írva minden és ez a hibája....Nem jövök rá és ez miatt még regelni sem lehet mert nem akkar valamiért kapcsolódni az SQL.