Hali Zero mtan mikor be akarok lépni nem akar semmit reagálni .. hibaüzenet:4-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:846: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:847: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:857: attempt to concatenate local \'safeusername\' (a boolean value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:846: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:847: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2014-07-22 18:22:04] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:857: attempt to concatenate local \'safeusername\' (a boolean value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:846: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:847: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2014-07-22 18:22:05] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:857: attempt to concatenate local \'safeusername\' (a boolean value)