Egy példát tudsz adni pl az egyik kórházhoz egy ikont?
Ottvan egyből kettő is.
-- Pick a random player
local myPlayer = getRandomPlayer( )
-- Retrieve the player\'s position and store it in the variables x, y and z
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( myPlayer )
-- Create a radar blip at the player\'s position, with a \'cash\' icon and only visible to the player
local myBlip = createBlip( x, y, z, 51, 0, 0, 0, 255, myPlayer )
-- Pick a random player
local myPlayer = getRandomPlayer( )
-- Create a radar blip in the middle of the map
local myBlip = createBlip( 0, 0, 0 )
-- Make the player the parent of the blip, so that the blip follows the player around
setElementParent( myBlip, myPlayer )