function()if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( 1774,-1101.2,24.3, getElementPosition(localPlayer))) < 3.5 thenlocal coords = {getScreenFromWorldPosition(1774,-1101.2,24.3)}local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() if coords[1] and coords[2] then absX, absY = 0, 0 if isCursorShowing() then local relX, relY = getCursorPosition() absX = relX * x absY = relY * y end dxDrawRectangle ( x*0.830,y*0.400, 280,120, tocolor ( 0,0,0,170 ) ) dxDrawText ( \"Tunningok\",x*0.880,y*0.400, 280,120, tocolor ( 255,255,255,150 ),2 ) dxDrawRectangle ( x*0.855,y*0.450, 200,40, tocolor ( 0,204,0,130 ) ) dxDrawText ( \"Handling\",x*0.883,y*0.453, 280,120, tocolor ( 255,255,255,150 ),2 ) endendend)addEventHandler(\"onClientClick\", getRootElement(),function (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY)if button == \"left\" then if state == \"up\" then if absoluteX >= x*0.830 and absoluteX <= x*0.830 + 32 and absoluteY >= y*0.400 and absoluteY <= y*0.400 + 32 then -- tuningok gomb elseif absoluteX >= x*0.883 and absoluteX <= x*0.883 + 32 and absoluteY >= y*0.453 and absoluteY <= y*0.453 + 32 then -- handling gomb end endendend)