Szerző Téma: Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém  (Megtekintve 1903 alkalommal)

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Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 19:07:06 »
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Sziasztok lenne egy adott carshop-system:
Probléma az amikor rényomok hogy megvegyem leveszi a pénzt de nem spawnolja le a kocsit, mi lehet a probléma?

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 19:43:24 »
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Valhallás alap bug ha jól tudom.(Nem ismerem Valhallát szóval nemtudok segíteni de hátha ez alapján már eltudsz indulni)

Nem elérhető Toxic

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Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 19:45:24 »
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/debugscript 3

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Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 23:25:41 »
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És a debugscriptet hol tudom megnézni mert sokmindent hozott ki :DDD
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2014. december 29. - 23:30:53 írta bizsi »

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 23:31:29 »
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Esetleg egy kód?
UI.: Minek választottál egy nagyon hibás módot?

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Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 23:53:15 »
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Megtaláltam meg is van ahiba de még igyse jó! :/

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 23:56:03 »
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Akkor nem találtad még a hibát, viszont egy kódot még mindig kérek!

Nem elérhető bizsi

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 23:58:02 »
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Ha jól értelmezem amit kérsz akkor 478

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2014. december 30. - 00:01:07 »
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Milyen 478? A spawn részt másolni be kód formájában!

Nem elérhető bizsi

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2014. december 30. - 00:07:02 »
0 Show voters
function carshop_updateVehicles( forceUpdate )
local blocking = { }
for key, value in ipairs( getElementsByType( \"player\" ) ) do
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( value )
table.insert(blocking, { x, y, z, getElementInterior( value ), getElementDimension( value ), true } )
for key, value in ipairs( getElementsByType( \"vehicle\" ) ) do
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( value )
table.insert(blocking, { x, y, z, getElementInterior( value ), getElementDimension( value ), false } )
for key, value in ipairs( shops ) do
if #value[\"spawnpoints\"] > 0 and #value[\"prices\"] > 0 then
   local canPopulate = true
   for k, v in ipairs( blocking ) do
      if (v[6]) then
         if (value[\"blippoint\"][4] == v[4] and value[\"blippoint\"][5] == v[5]) then
            if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( value[\"blippoint\"][1], value[\"blippoint\"][2], value[\"blippoint\"][3], v[1], v[2], v[3] ) < 150 then
               canPopulate = false
   if  forceUpdate then
      canPopulate = true
   if canPopulate then
      for k, v in ipairs( value[\"spawnpoints\"] ) do
         local data = value[\"prices\"][ math.random( 1, #value[\"prices\"] ) ]
         if v[\"vehicle\"] and isElement( v[\"vehicle\"] ) and data then
            respawnVehicle( v[\"vehicle\"] )
            local model = getVehicleModelFromName(data[1]) or tonumber(data[1])
            if getElementModel(v.vehicle) == model or setElementModel(v.vehicle, model) then
               local color1, color2 = getRandomVehicleColor(v.vehicle)
               if color1 then
                  setVehicleColor( v.vehicle, color1, color2 or color1, color1, color2 or color1 )
               exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop:cost\", data[2], false)
               exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop:taxcost\", 2*(vehicleTaxes[getVehicleModelFromName(data[1])-399] or 25), false)
               setElementFrozen(v[\"vehicle\"], false)
               setVehicleVariant(v.vehicle, exports[\'vehicle-system\']:getRandomVariant(getElementModel(v.vehicle)))
               setTimer(setElementFrozen, 1000, 1, v[\"vehicle\"], true)
               outputDebugString(\"Carshop: Failed to spawn a \"[1])
            local canPopulate2 = true
            for _, va in ipairs( blocking ) do
               if (v[4] == va[4] and v[5] == va[5]) then
                  local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( v[1], v[2], v[3], va[1], va[2], va[3] )
                  if distance < 4 then
                     canPopulate2 = false
            if canPopulate2 then
               local vehicle = createVehicle( getVehicleModelFromName(data[1]) or tonumber(data[1]), v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6]  )
               if not vehicle then
                  outputDebugString(\"failed to swawna \"[1])
                  setElementInterior(vehicle, v[4])
                  setElementDimension(vehicle, v[5])
                  setVehicleLocked( vehicle, true )
                  setTimer(setElementFrozen, 1000, 1, vehicle, true )
                  setVehicleDamageProof( vehicle, true )
                  setVehicleVariant(vehicle, exports[\'vehicle-system\']:getRandomVariant(getElementModel(vehicle)))
                  v[\"vehicle\"] = vehicle
                  local x = v[1] - ( ( math.cos ( math.rad (  v[6] ) ) ) * 1.5 )
                  local y = v[2] - ( ( math.sin ( math.rad (  v[6] ) ) ) * 1.5 )
                  local tempPickup = createPickup(x, y, v[3], 3, 1239)
                  exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(tempPickup, \"carshop:parentCar\", v[\"vehicle\"], false)
                  exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop:cost\", data[2], false)
                  exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop\", true, false)
                  exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop:childPickup\", tempPickup, false)
                  exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop:taxcost\", 2*(vehicleTaxes[getVehicleModelFromName(data[1])-399] or 25), false)
                  --[[ Second hand: future use
                  exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(v[\"vehicle\"], \"carshop:secondhand\", data[3], false])
                  if (data[3]) then
      for k, v in ipairs( value[\"spawnpoints\"] ) do
         if v[\"vehicle\"] and isElement( v[\"vehicle\"] ) then
            respawnVehicle( v[\"vehicle\"] )
function carshop_pickupUse(thePlayer)
local parentCar = getElementData(source, \"carshop:parentCar\")
if parentCar and isElement(parentCar) then
local costCar = getElementData(parentCar, \"carshop:cost\")
local costTax = getElementData(parentCar, \"carshop:taxcost\")
if costCar and costTax then
   triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, \"carshop:showInfo\", parentCar, costCar, costTax)
addEventHandler(\"onPickupHit\", getResourceRootElement(), carshop_pickupUse)
function carshop_Initalize( )
carshop_updateVehicles( true )   
setTimer( carshop_updateVehicles, 120000, 0, false )
addEventHandler( \"onResourceStart\", getResourceRootElement(), carshop_Initalize)
function carshop_blockEnterVehicle(thePlayer)
local isCarShop = getElementData(source, \"carshop\")
if (isCarShop) then
local costCar = getElementData(source, \"carshop:cost\")
local payByCash = true
local payByBank = true
if not, costCar) or costCar == 0 then
   payByCash = false
local money = getElementData(thePlayer, \"bankmoney\") - costCar
if money < 0 or costCar == 0 then
   payByBank = false
triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, \"carshop:buyCar\", source, costCar, payByCash, payByBank)
addEventHandler( \"onVehicleEnter\", getResourceRootElement(), carshop_blockEnterVehicle)
addEventHandler( \"onVehicleStartEnter\", getResourceRootElement(), carshop_blockEnterVehicle)
function carshop_buyVehicle(paymentMethod)
if client then
if getElementData(client, \"\") == 1 then
   local isCarshopVehicle = getElementData(source, \"carshop\")
   if (isCarshopVehicle) then
      if not then
         outputChatBox(\"Nem lehet több járműved!\", client, 0, 255, 0)
      local costCar = getElementData(source, \"carshop:cost\")
      if (paymentMethod == \"cash\") then
         if not, costCar) or costCar == 0 then
            outputChatBox(\"Nincs elég pénzed..\", client, 0, 255, 0)
  , costCar)
      elseif (paymentMethod == \"bank\") then
         local money = getElementData(client, \"bankmoney\") - costCar
         if money < 0 or costCar == 0 then
            outputChatBox(\"Nincs elég pénz a bankszámládon..\", client, 0, 255, 0)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(client, \"bankmoney\", money, false)
            mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET bankmoney=\" .. mysql:escape_string((tonumber(money) or 0)) .. \" WHERE id=\" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData( client, \"dbid\" )))
         outputChatBox(\"No.\", client, 0, 255, 0)
      local dbid = getElementData(client, \"account:character:id\")
      local modelID = getElementModel(source)
      local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source)
      local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(source)
      local col = { getVehicleColor(source) }
      local color1 = toJSON( {col[1], col[2], col[3]} )
      local color2 = toJSON( {col[4], col[5], col[6]} )
      local color3 = toJSON( {col[7], col[8], col[9]} )
      local color4 = toJSON( {col[10], col[11], col[12]} )
      local letter1 = string.char(math.random(65,90))
      local letter2 = string.char(math.random(65,90))
      local var1, var2 = getVehicleVariant(source)
      local plate = letter1 .. letter2 .. math.random(0, 9) .. \" \" .. math.random(1000, 9999)
      local locked = 1
      local insertid = mysql:query_insert_free(\"INSERT INTO vehicles SET model=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(modelID) .. \"\', x=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(x) .. \"\', y=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(y) .. \"\', z=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(z) .. \"\', rotx=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rx) .. \"\', roty=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(ry) .. \"\', rotz=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rz) .. \"\', color1=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(color1) .. \"\', color2=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(color2) .. \"\', color3=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(color3) .. \"\', color4=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(color4) .. \"\', faction=\'-1\', owner=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid) .. \"\', plate=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(plate) .. \"\', currx=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(x) .. \"\', curry=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(y) .. \"\', currz=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(z) .. \"\', currrx=\'0\', currry=\'0\', currrz=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rz) .. \"\', locked=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(locked) .. \"\',variant1=\"..var1..\",variant2=\"..var2)
      if (insertid) then
         exports.logs:dbLog(client, 6, \"ve\"..tostring(insertid), \"BOUGHTNEWCAR \".. costCar)
         call( getResourceFromName( \"item-system\" ), \"deleteAll\", 3, insertid ) client, 3, insertid )      
         local tempPickup = getElementData(source,\"carshop:childPickup\")
         if (isElement(tempPickup)) then
         outputChatBox(\"Gratulálok, megvetted a járművet!\", client)
         outputChatBox(\"A \'/park\' paranccsal parkolhatod le a kívánt helyen,\", client)
         outputChatBox(\"ha széthagyod valószínűleg törölve lesz.\", client)
   outputChatBox(\"Jogosítványra van szükséged a vásárláshoz.\", client, 255, 0, 0)
addEvent(\"carshop:buyCar\", true)
addEventHandler(\"carshop:buyCar\", getRootElement(), carshop_buyVehicle)
local vehicleColors
function getRandomVehicleColor( vehicle )
if not vehicleColors then
vehicleColors = { }
local file = fileOpen( \"vehiclecolors.conf\", true )
while not fileIsEOF( file ) do
   local line = fileReadLine( file )
   if #line > 0 and line:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= \"#\" then
      local model = tonumber( gettok( line, 1, string.byte(\' \') ) )
      if not vehicleColors[ model ] then
         vehicleColors[ model ] = { }
      vehicleColors[ model ][ #vehicleColors[ model ] + 1 ] = {
         tonumber( gettok( line, 2, string.byte(\' \') ) ),
         tonumber( gettok( line, 3, string.byte(\' \') ) ) or nil,
fileClose( file )
local colors = vehicleColors[ getElementModel( vehicle ) ]
if colors then
return unpack( colors[ math.random( 1, #colors ) ] )
function fileReadLine( file )
local buffer = \"\"
local tmp
tmp = fileRead( file, 1 ) or nil
if tmp and tmp ~= \"\\r\" and tmp ~= \"\\n\" then
   buffer = buffer .. tmp
until not tmp or tmp == \"\\n\" or tmp == \"\"
return buffer
function isForSale(vehicle)
if type(vehicle) == \"number\" then
elseif type(vehicle) == \"string\" then
vehicle = tonumber(vehicle)
elseif isElement(vehicle) and getElementType(vehicle) == \"vehicle\" then
vehicle = getElementModel(vehicle)
return false
for _, shop in ipairs(shops) do
for _, data in ipairs(shop.prices) do
   if getVehicleModelFromName(data[1]) == vehicle then
      return true
return false
-- verify all shop vehicles exist
addEventHandler(\"onResourceStart\", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource( ) ),
function( )
for _, shop in ipairs(shops) do
   for _, data in ipairs(shop.prices) do
      local model = getVehicleModelFromName(data[1]) or tonumber(data[1])
      if not model or not getVehicleNameFromModel( model ) then
         outputDebugString( \"Carshop: Invalid Car: \" .. data[1] )
function carGrid( thePlayer )
if then
triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, \"carshop:cargrid\", thePlayer, shops)
addCommandHandler(\"listcarprices\", carGrid)

Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2014. december 30. - 12:02:34 »
0 Show voters
outputDebugString(\"Carshop: Failed to spawn a \"[1])

Debugot próbáld újra, és ilyesmit ki kéne írnia.

Nem elérhető Toxic

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Carshop-System nem spawnolja le a kocsit problém
« Válasz #11 Dátum: 2015. január 23. - 15:26:15 »
0 Show voters
[gmod]Elavult, zárom.[/gmod]


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