Background Story:Paolo Scarlotti was born in Italy, Firenze, 1980. He was living with his father, and his brother, called: Antonio, and Fredo. His father was the owner of their bakery His mother didn\'t work, because she was inebriate, this is why she didn\'t live with the Scarlotti family. His father wanted that Paolo will continue the bakery, but it wasn\'t Paolo\'s life. In the grade school he had no friends. He was very retractable, but he was a member of the school\'s football team. In the Highschool he got lots of new friends, and - unfortunately - he stopped playing football. His best friend was Vincenzo Bianchi, who were a real bad guy. The first girl in his life was Marinella Cruz, who was his father\'s best friend\'s daughter. He loved her so much, but the girl scammed him.Because of Vincenzo, he started to take part in illegal activities. Just a few things. Drug selling, beating people naturally for money. Their biggest deal was that contracted them to beat a hispanic person in his property, and after this burn the house with the guy inside. It was a difficult job, beacuse the guy was a member of an other mafia. They get 25,000 dollars for this mission. They used to have a good life. Lot\'s of money, bitches, everything they want. Paolo wanted this since the childhood. One day, Vincenzo gets in trouble, and he asked Paolo to leave Italy with him. Paolo said yes. It seemed they will continue the business on an another mainland. Their point was America, Los Santos. They are looking forward to the future. [/quote]Nem mondom hogy tökéletes, és még nem lehetne hozzá írni, de egynek elmegy szerintem bőven. Példát statuálni mindenképp. Ki kell térni mindenre, amit szeretnél RP-zni. (ezzel a karival az elején olasz \'maffiózót\' alakítottam)
10x próbálkoztam ma reggel. 500 szavas történet lett. Kifejtettem minden alapfogalmat, meg mindent amit kér. Erre amikor megnézik azt a választ kapom: Rohadjá\' meg írjá\' még példákat a megerőszakolásra\'-e.Innentől kezdve, nekem egy darabig elég.
ferdinand, köszönöm szépen, de megelégeltem és letöröltem, majd pár nap múlva újra próbálkozok. Amúgy szerintem nyelvtani hiba nem volt benne, csak mindig többet kértek, mint ami a kérdésben volt. Mindegy, majd valamikor a héten még megpróbálom.
Szerintem nálam is ez volt a baj Nem baj, majd legközelebb ugyanazt elküldöm 30 milliószor, az egyik admin csak elfogadja.